Saturday, August 31, 2019

What can you learn from source A about Chamberlain’s policy towards Germany?

Source A tells me that Chamberlain did not want to go to war with Germany because he thought Germany was a power to be reckoned with, especially since she had Italy's support. He feared that if it came to war Italy could take advantage of its position in the Mediterranean to attack British territory there (such as Gibraltar) and more importantly stop British shipping to and from her empire, which was very important to Britain. It also shows that Chamberlain thought that if it came to war, Hitler could hurt France where she was weakest. Because the source is an unofficial, private document it can accurately show us Chamberlain's opinion, and though it gives us a good idea of his intent, it does not properly show us his official policy. The source shows that Chamberlain did not think Britain's armaments were strong enough to stand against Germany's, and that therefore they must buy time to build up arms, just in case. It also tells me that Chamberlain felt that the dictators could still be reasoned with and were not devoid of any honour or reasonableness, and that he still held some hope of coming to an agreement to suit everybody. He thought that if he appeased Hitler and Mussolini by helping to fix their grievances, they would be happy and the peace of Europe would be assured. 2) Study A and B. In what ways does source B add to your understanding of Chamberlain's foreign policy? (6) Source B shows me that Chamberlain genuinely believed that even if Britain and France did act, nothing could save Czechoslovakia from being taken over by the Germans if they wanted to do it. He knew that Czechoslovakia was hemmed in on 3 sides by Germany and believed that Germany had every tactical and military advantage around Czechoslovakia, and Russia could not help either because she was too far away. Source B supports source A in that Source B shows me that Chamberlain still thought that Germany was too strong for Britain and France to take on, and that to protect Czechoslovakia would be tantamount to declaring out-and-out war on Germany, which he was strongly against because he thought that Britain had no chance of an easy and quick victory. The source shares with source A the idea that Chamberlain was unwilling to risk going hastily into a war against a major power, which would cost British money and lives and if, as he thought, Britain was not ready, it could mean a repeat of the extended conflict of the first world war, which everyone was keen to avoid. Chamberlain makes it clear in his diary (source B) that he did not think that it was all worth it over one small country that he thought could probably not be saved anyway. Source B like source A is private and unofficial and therefore shows just what Chamberlain is really thinking, more so than A because it is his diary, presumably intended at the time only for him. 3) Study C and D. In what ways does the evidence of these sources help you to understand Chamberlain's attitude towards Hitler? (10) The author of Source C was a British ambassador and Chamberlain's main source of information in Germany, and as such Chamberlain must have trusted his views as a high-ranking British dignitary who had been living in Germany probably some time. However, it is possible that Henderson had come around to the German point of view from living there so long and is writing his own opinion, which is biased, as is apparent from his comment in C about how he dislikes the Czechs. If he really had come round to the German point of view, then it is possible that he felt for Germany and like many Germans, considered that Hitler could ‘make Germany great again'. If this were true, it would mean either that Henderson actually believed that Hitler was reasonable, or that he deliberately misled Chamberlain about Hitler's intent. Alternatively, officials he had spoken to in the German government may simply have misled Henderson. The Germans knew that he was Britain's main source of information and they may have decided to use him to convince Chamberlain that Germany was stronger than she was and that Hitler was open to options other than going to war, thus encouraging him to put off war by appeasement. In source C Henderson leads Chamberlain to believe that Hitler does not really wish to go to war if he has to, as war would help the opponents of Hitler and Nazism, but it would be disastrous for Germany. He implies that Hitler is reasonable and open to negotiation. If Henderson had not been corrupted by Hitler, then source C contains Henderson's genuine idea of what Hitler must have been thinking, but as it turned out, his assessment of the situation was wrong. Henderson's reports, whether genuinely what he thought or not, must have influenced Chamberlain to think that Hitler was a reasonable man who did not want war any more than Chamberlain himself. This would have simply built upon the view Chamberlain already had that Hitler had some sense of honour. Chamberlain was from a business background in Birmingham and must have found it hard to believe that the leader of a nation could be so duplicitous as Hitler eventually revealed himself to be. Source D shows us this exact trust Chamberlain had in Hitler – even though he did not like the look of him, Chamberlain still had faith that Hitler's word meant something and that Hitler's policies were only directed towards uniting all the German speaking peoples, not just getting all the territory he could. Because Chamberlain believed what he said in source D, and believed Hitler when he said he would be satisfied with the Sudetenland and not ask any more territory in Europe, he convinced France and Czechoslovakia to submit to the German occupation of the Sudetenland. ) Study E, F, G and H. What can you work out from these sources about: i) The demands made by Hitler (6) The very fact that Britain and France were willing to agree to Hitler's demands at all shows that his first demands (Czechoslovakia handing over to Germany the parts of the Sudetenland comprised of over 50% Germans) were not perceived by the governments of Britain and France to be altogether too much to ask, and that they believed that he was genuine in his insistence that it was all he would take from Europe. The fact that they were so eager for a reply to the statement in source E and were so ready to give up Czechoslovakia to Germany shows how insistent Hitler was that he got his way. This is corroborated by the fact that Germany put a lot of pressure on Czechoslovakia to agree to Hitler's demands; this could be the â€Å"unheard of pressure† of source F. Chamberlain was so convinced that giving in to Hitler's demands was the way to peace that Britain and France even refused to support Czechoslovakia at all if she didn't capitulate completely in the matter of the Sudetenland. However, source G shows us that Hitler was not to be trusted and as soon as Chamberlain had got Czechoslovakia and France to agree, he changed his demands to more unreasonable ones, which Hitler hoped would ultimately insure the disintegration of Czechoslovakia, by taking large amounts of land from her. These demands were completely unreasonable, even for the peacemaker Chamberlain, and only when Britain and France threatened to go to war did Hitler reduce his demands a little, although his demands mentioned in source G are so unreasonable it could almost be said he was deliberately aiming high so when he was forced to compromise he would get the better deal. Source H shows that Hitler could feel confident about making these demands as Chamberlain was still set upon peace despite all he had seen Hitler capable of. Chamberlain makes clear in this speech that he thinks all Hitler is after is Czechoslovakia and that Britain will not go to war just to protect one small country. ii) Relations between Britain and Czechoslovakia in September 1938? (6) When Hitler made his first demands of Chamberlain, Chamberlain agreed and then informed Czechoslovakia (source E), even though it would severely weaken Czechoslovakia (a state that Britain had helped to set up). Britain and France practically forced her to agree to Hitler's demands, going so far as to refuse to support her if she did not. The Czechoslovak government was not even consulted in the future of its own country, which as source F shows was hurtful to the Czechs. Czechoslovakia could not even defend herself from her enemy because she had been let down by her friends. Czechoslovakia must have felt pressured into agreeing and very disillusioned with and even betrayed by France, its so-called ally; and Britain, France's ally and one of the upholders of the Treaty of Versailles. As source G shows, when Hitler came up with his next outrageous demands, Czechoslovakia balked and refused point blank to agree, and the feelings of the Czechoslovak government are expressed to the British government in source G in no uncertain terms. Czechoslovakia may have had some hope in Britain's support when she promised to support France in a war against Germany, although this soon faded after the Munich agreement. Source H shows that Chamberlain was still trying to uphold peace despite Hitler's continually changing demands, and evidently still thought that it was worth sacrificing Czechoslovakia on the altar of peace. ) Study I, J and K. â€Å"The Munich agreement was very popular in Britain†. Use the evidence of the sources, and your own knowledge, to explain whether you agree with this view. (8) I agree with this view to a point. The Munich agreement was certainly popular with many people, especially the generations who had been through the Great War. They knew what it was to fight in terrible conditions or to lose a loved one in the war. The First World War was called ‘the war to end all wars' and nobody wanted to go through it all again. This view is supported by source I, which is from a quality paper and written by the editor, who is presumably an educated person who knows what they're talking about. The bad memories of the previous war would put the public in favour of avoiding another war if it could be possibly helped, so the peacemaking Chamberlain with his slogan from Benjamin Disraeli: ‘Peace in our time' was well received by many. The Munich agreement, which guaranteed that Germany and Britain would not go to war in the future, seemed to sort out everyone's worries. Source J shows a crowd outside 10, Downing Street, who look like they are there to support Chamberlain. However this is not really indicative of the agreement's popularity as photographs can be deceptive, and Downing Street is not actually that wide a street so the crowd appears bigger than it is. Most of the generation who were making the decisions for Britain (the politicians and diplomats) had experienced the war and this may have influenced them and their decisions in favour of appeasement and the Munich agreement. The government also feared that if war broke out, thousands of civilians could be killed by bombing raids. Also the British army was not strong enough to handle another big war at that time. People like the author of source I did not want to involve Britain in European affairs again, as they thought it was nothing to do with Britain. Many, like Henderson in source K, felt that Chamberlain had done something special in making Hitler agree to peace and so supported the Munich agreement because they thought it was a great feat of negotiation and diplomacy on Chamberlain's part. Source K shows that at least one person thought that what Chamberlain did was the only option in the circumstances. Many British people felt sorry for the Germans because the Treaty of Versailles was so harsh and felt that they had been unfairly treated. Many could sympathise with the desire to bring the German-speaking people together. People did not even disagree wholly with Germany claiming the Sudetenland, as it was thought of as practically a part of Germany anyway – both geographically and culturally. However, being in favour of the Munich agreement was far from universal and it had many critics. They thought that Germany was being allowed to become too powerful, breaking treaty after treaty and getting away with it. They thought Germany would not stop at just Czechoslovakia, and she would eventually become a power strong enough to threaten the British Empire. Winston Churchill was one of the critics of the Munich agreement and appeasement in general. 6) Study all the sources. The writer of source K believed that war was only avoided in 1938 because of the courage of Chamberlain. Use the sources and your own knowledge to explain whether you agree with this view. (10) I agree with this view to the point that I would say the fact that war was avoided in 1938 was mostly because of Chamberlain. It was Chamberlain's insistency on trying to appease the dictators at all costs that brought the Munich agreement about. It was Chamberlain who convinced France to support him in encouraging Czechoslovakia to agree to Hitler's demands (as in source C), and eventually almost forcing them into it by refusing to support Czechoslovakia at all should it come to fighting. Although Chamberlain says in source D to his sister that he thinks Hitler is to be trusted, and I think he means what he says because it is a personal, private letter, by the time of the Munich agreement he must have had some idea of what Hitler was like as he had broken his word and gone back on their agreement of the 15th of September only days before, which as source G shows was very damaging and humiliating to the Czechs. Yet still he went ahead and in effect signed Czechoslovakia over to the Germans without even inviting the Czechs to join the conference. Either this is the move of a very stupid and naive man in still believing that Hitler would not make further attempts to get territory for Germany, or Chamberlain was taking a calculated risk to give Britain more time to protect herself from Germany, not caring about Czechoslovakia. As source B shows, Chamberlain was not willing to take the risk of going to war in 1938 just to protect one small country. Source A shows us that as early as January 1938 Chamberlain was thinking about building up British armaments. I think that the lack of war in1938 was due to Chamberlain although I would not call it courage. He made the agreement because he was convinced that the British public wanted peace more than anything (source J shows that at least some of them did). He was afraid of what another war would do to Britain if she were not ready, especially since the Spanish civil war in which the German Condor Legion decimated the Basque town of Guernica. Chamberlain was excessively afraid of German air strength as he was unfamiliar with the effects of bombing and feared that London could become another Guernica, with hundreds of thousands of casualties. It was thought that the entire German Luftwaffe would head for Britain as soon as war broke out and people greatly overestimated its size and strength. However optimistic Chamberlain chose to be, he must have known that if Britain continued to get involved in Europe's affairs then sooner or later she would have to fight Germany. Although war was avoided in 1938 it was not avoided altogether and if anything it convinced Hitler that Britain was soft and irresolute and would do nothing by force to stop his further conquest of Europe. This meant that he persevered in his plans to expand Germany without worrying about Britain.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Healthcare Interview Essay

Introduction This paper is based on a conducted interview of a licensed employee of Larkin Community Hospital. This paper will include an overview of Larkin Community Hospital. It will describe the targeted department, type of work conducted in this department, and specific information that makes it unique. Furthermore, this paper will describe all responsibilities in care and will consist of questions answered by the interviewee. Overview of Larkin Community Hospital Larkin Community Hospital severed as a general hospital for those patients who in need of surgical and medical care. Larking Community is a physician-owned, acute care in bed hospital accredited by Joint Commissions. In this facility, patients will have safest and compressive care at its best quality. This facility offers a variety of services which include bariatric care, cardiology, dental care, emergency care, family practice, memory disorders, occupational health, outpatient and inpatient care, podiatry and foot, pulmonary care, mental health, surgery, and healing. It accommodates residential patients who suffer from physical or mental disabilities. As part of the Graduate Medical Education Committee, it teaches healthcare professionals of all aspects of care by monitoring and reviewing all healthcare decisions. The hospital will also implement and implement policies to ensure regulatory compliance is in order in regards to residents. Targeted Department The targeted department is the section where patients need more assistance; this is what makes facility different from the rest. In this section, resident assistance is available all hours of the day. All of the employees are trained to provide adequate care. All resident aids are first aid and CPR certified. Resident aids are available to provide ambulatory care when need for the patient. Because more care is provided in this section, there are more resident aids on the floor to make certain that all needs are fulfilled. Interviewee The person been interviewed is Ira Agastein, a resident supervisor of Larkin Hospital Community. His responsibilities is to make sure that residents are getting appropriate care by performance evaluations, make certain residents receive their medication when needed, and handling complaints by patients or their families. Agastein is in charge of enforcing implications of action plans that are developed to improve operation efficiency. As the resident aid supervisor it is his responsibility to ensure that employees (resident aids and resident aid manager) carry out their assigned duties. This will guaranteed that the department continues to improve and continue to provide the best quality of care to the patients. Career Path When asked what about his career path was, Agastein said it was to become a resident aid supervisor. Agastein began his career working as a combat medic in the Army National Guard. After a few years, he went to medical school to earn his bachelor degree in psychology. He began working shortly after his commissioning in the Army. After working in this position for 5 years, he began to shadow the resident manager learning the responsibilities of this position. A few months afterwards, he was promoted to resident manager. He knew that he wanted to go further so he began to learn the responsibilities as a resident aid supervisor. When the position was available he applied in hopes of getting the job. Because of his years of experience and acquired knowledge he was given the position. Although it can be overbearing at times, Agastein seems to love his job very much. Educational Requirements What are the educational requirements for the position? Agastein replied that there are some requirements for education where he had obtained a bachelor degree to get this position, which he did for psychology. While he was in medical school, he had to understand mental behaviors and theories relating to children and young teens. He had to deal with families suffering domestic violence and substance abuse. Also he had to working with people coming from socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds. He needed to be able to withhold the knowledge of a resident supervisor, which got him in his current position today. Did your education adequately prepare you for your job? When asked this question Agastein said that without a doubt that his formal education in medical school had prepared him for this job. Since he had worked his way up through the ranks, from enlisted to commissioned he had seen all the aspects of leadership and he was well prepared to be put into a supervisor position. What would you say is the most important attribute for success in this position? Communication is the most important part of success in any position. Agastein said that from the janitor to the director if there is no communication everything will shut down and the business will not function. With his success in her current position he says that he has learned that throughout his entire career that communication was always what got his where he wanted to be. Another attribute that he attributes to his success is good old fashioned hard work. He says that he has always had to work hard and study a lot because good grades and success in education did not come as easy to him as it did for some of his colleagues. He had to study a lot and not sleep very much through medical school but he was able to pass in the top ten percent of his class. Hard work and dedication pays off well. Conclusion Ira Agastein a resident supervisor of Larkin Community Hospital, loves every aspect of his job and feels that he is right where he needs to be in his career path. He loves working with people and being able to make sure that they are all taken care of in a way that he says would make his grandfather proud. As a 18 year service veteran as a combat medic, he looks forward to retiring from the Army in the near future but he says he probably will never leave the health care field. He has done a lot of things in his 18 year career with the army and done other things, he has spent a lot of time on his education and says that here time in medical school was all worth it. Health care is something that he love and is very good at there is nothing else he would like to do more.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

An Analysis Of Plato And Rousseau Ideologies Theology Religion Essay

An Analysis Of Plato And Rousseau Ideologies Theology Religion Essay The general definition of education is the transmission and learning of cultural technique by a group of individuals that is able to satisfy its general needs, to protect each other against the hostility of physical and biological environment, and to work and live together peacefully. These all techniques are usually called culture, and a human society could not survive without its background of custom and culture. This concept can be applied in civil and primitive society; the primitive society is characterized by the role of education finalized to guarantee the immutability of the cultural techniques. On the other hand, in a civil society the education gives the opportunity to face new and mutable situations. At this point we can define two different forms of education: the one, which simply transmits the technique of work and behavior to maintain the natural immutability of human beings, and this concept is related to moral and religious education. The second form interests the r ole of education into a civic society. Its aim is to forge the individuals’ personalities by giving them the capacity to correct and improve their own education. This civic form of education analyzes the human being’s process of forming his own culture, and even the education becomes the aim and the goal of the entire process. For this reason, education has always been an important theme in political and social background. Since ancient age philosophers and scholars wrote about the main principles and general foundations of public and private education in a state. Famous emperors such as Charles the Great who attributed importance to the role of education into his empire, even if he was not a cultured king, considered education a relevant instrument for creating an homogeneous ruling class loyal to the empire and capable to create a unity for the formation of cultural traditions and customs. Therefore, education is a natural part of human beings’ development; it allows individuals to acquire some basic and relevant skills in attitude and mental thought that staying in animal stage they are not able to learn. The aim of this essay is to define the right definition of education in political theory field through the main and significant works of Plato and Rousseau, and to analyze its importance in the social and political common good. As it is mentioned before, both Plato and Rousseau have elaborated different ideas regarding the same topic of the role of education, the pedagogy, the formation of perfect philosopher-king and good social figure in their own conception of society. This essay wants to begin an analysis by comparing and contrasting the political and philosophical theories of there two thinkers. First of all, Plato’s Republic has defined more as an educational treatise rather than a political book (Rousseau 57); in fact, Plato’s philosophy is concentrated on ethics, he is interested in what and â€Å"how is the best to live† (Meckenzie 88). According to Plato, education is the base of the philosophical education of guardians and future citizens of the ideal city of the Politeia. Plato elaborates a new kind of education in line with the Socratic philosophy; in fact, the main speaker of dialogues in the Republic is Socrates himself, who embodies the philosophical soul and figure of which should be the skills and characteristics of the perfect philosopher-king. The conception of education in the Republic is explained through the philosophical concept of the Myth of the Cave; it is not a case that Plato decided to present education in the way of the myth. In ancient cultures, in particular in Greek culture, the myth indeed had been considered a kid of tale with a underlying meaning that through the heroic deeds of gods and semi-gods should have convey a specific learning for human beings. According to Arthur A. Krentz of Luther College in his Play and Education in Plato’s states: â₠¬Å"The Myth of the Cave is presented as a metaphor of education (paideia, 7.514a) but it may also serve as a model of the role of an educational mentor, such as Socrates. Thus we can compare Socrates to the free, philosophical wise man who reenters the nether-world of the dark caveà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ in order to attempt to rescue those who live in this shadowy worldà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ã¢â‚¬  With this quotation, we can understand that Plato-Socrates wants to outline a fixed model of elite education regarding to those people who are by natural inclinations more talented to cover the role of the guardian. In the Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood in History and Society, in the paragraph of The State as an Education Entity is expressed how Plato considers Education the core of his Republic alike the research of the meaning of justice. In fact, Plato is firmly persuaded that if guardian and future children are educated through Socratic philosophical ideas, the pursuit of the Public Good bec omes the principle at the base of the just City-State. Therefore, the passage that the other spokesmen have to understand before starting the investigation of justice is â€Å"what is the best education for philosopher-kings and in what does consist it?† In the opinion of Ariel Dillon â€Å"the ability to know is always within a man-faltering, but useful only depending on whether it is focused on the truth (518e)à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ anyone could be a philosopher with the right trainingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the purpose of the philosopher-kings’ education is eventually teach children how to distinguish right from wrong showing them the whole truth†. The knowledge and development process that philosophers undertake from the cave to the new world is long and difficult, but they are motivated by the inner truth that they own to achieve the common good for a just state. After the release from the cave where human beings are imprisoned and forced to see projected figures on the wa ll, philosophers start they path out of the cave; they will encounter the powerful light of the Sun and they are blinded by it, but afterwards a period of familiarization with the external world they acquire the truth and the capacity to become the real philosopher king and guardian. According to Arthur A. Krentz â€Å"the aim of the educational process is the fostering of the growth and development of the learner toward the ultimate objective of the individual’s contribution to a good society and the vision of the Good itself.† Plato has a altruistic vision of education in fact as Ariel Dillon states in her article Education in Plato’s Republic: † [the philosophers] must escape the cave, be educated in the good through philosophy (512c), and then return to the cave to rile and enlighten others (519d).

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

History, Relevance in Todays Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

History, Relevance in Todays Market - Essay Example In this regard the most famous and widely used method is of Performance Related Pay (Brown & Armstrong, 1999). In order to better understand the concept of Performance Related Pay, it will be beneficial to first comprehend the meaning of the performance. Performance means the output or end result given by any party or person. In the reference to the performance of the employees, it is perceived to be the fulfilment of the task or job responsibility which is measured on the basis of standards set for different factors like accuracy, time, cost etc. PERFORMANCE RELATED PAY: Performance Related Pay (PRP) is the method used by the organisations in order to directly relate the pay or reward with the performance of the employees. It is strongly believed that the increased or additional pay increase the motivation level of the employees and they strive to give high performance. In this method several bonuses and pay levels are directly linked with the appraisal or assessment of the performa nce of the employees in comparison to the objectives and standards. ... It can be further divided into straight piecework and differential piecework. 2. Merit pay: it is further divided into fixed incremental scales, merit bars, percentage increases, merit bonuses, and cafeteria benefits. 3. Profit Sharing: profits sharing or sharing incentives plans are provided to very limited and loyal employees of the organisation in order to retain them and motivate them to give high performance. In this system the employees are awarded with some shares of the organisation in response to their outstanding performance and output. 4. Commission: in this system the employees are provided with a certain percentage of commission in relation with the amount of work done or sales made. Usually commission is used to increase the motivation level and performance of the sales team. RELEVANCE OF PERFORMANCE RELATED PAY IN TODAYS MARKET: It is important for the organisations to include and consider the prevalent economic condition in the process of designing the pay system or s cheme. Most of the analysts are of the view that the concept of the Performance Related Pay is no more effective and relevant for the organisations in view of the recent economic downturn and crisis. On the other hand, according to another school of thought organisations have become more concerned about the overall cost and setup of the pay structure and compensation. In order to justify the cost of the pay and compensation structure, organisations are striving to linking this cost with the benefits derived. As a result, these organisations are widely using the method of Performance Related Pay (Brown & Armstrong, 1999). Apart from the economic crisis, increasing globalisation and free trade across the economies of the world have

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Violence in Modern Drama Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Violence in Modern Drama - Essay Example Both works deal with different forms of racism, hatred and violence. Both the works try to show the futility of violence and hatred. In both the works, the mental turmoil faced by teenage boys due to frustration and confusion is highlighted .In "Master Harold and the Boys"' the cause of the violence is the policy of Apartheid followed by the government of South Africa , which fanned the anger and hatred between the blacks and the whites. In "American History X" written by David McKenna and directed by Tony Kaye, the death of their father who was shot while he was doing his duty as a fireman, turns the sons violent and full of hate for the other races. Athol Fugard has written a semi- autobiographical play in "Master Harold". The entire play takes place in a restaurant, St.George's Tea Room, in Port Elizabeth in South Africa . The year is 1950, when South Africa still followed a policy of apartheid. The play begins when the seventeen year old boy Hally (Harold), who is the son of the owner of the restaurant, comes back from school. Hally treats Sam and Willie, the two black employees as his friends. Sam is his special friend because Sam allows himself to be taught by the boy. Hally's father is an alcoholic and Hally does not like him. In fact, he hopes his father will stay some more days in the hospital where he is admitted. The friendship between Hally who is white and Sam and Willie who are black is quite sincere. Sam had taught the boy how to make a kite and fly it. Making and flying a kite had increased Hally’s self confidence. Hally teaches Sam what he learnt in school, and Sam teaches Hally real life skills, like a father. Sam is an admirable character, who attempts to transcend the hate. He thinks life is like a dance where nobody knows the steps. In the racist environment of South Africa, Hally's role model is Sam, since his own father is not an admirable character. Hally who lacked self confidence, is taught by Sam to make and fly the kite .By the act of flying a kite, Hally gains self confidence. He says, ".I still can't believe my eyes.It was flying.I was so proud of us." (Fugard 1092) In the mid twentieth century, South Africa followed a policy of apartheid which humiliated the blacks. Sam says, referring to a "WHITES ONLY" bench on which Hally was sitting, "I couldn't sit down there and stay with you". (Fugard 1091) Growing up in such an environment, Hally is a confused person. Hally's father who is a cripple and a racist besides being an alcoholic, makes him do horrible tasks like cleaning pot full of phlegm Finally , when Hally hears that his father is returning from the hospital that day, his confusion turns into rage, and he ends by spitting in Sam's face. He forgets all the teachings of Sam to consider life like a dance, and turns violent. The policy of apartheid and his father's blatant racism are too much and they push him towards violence. The film "American History X" also deals with violence caused among young people by hate and intolerance. Written by David McKenna and directed by Tony Kaye, "American HistoryX" is a powerful

Monday, August 26, 2019

The New Mecca by George Saunders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The New Mecca by George Saunders - Essay Example Saunders narrative the new Mecca has assisted a considerable number of people to change the attitude developed in certain things. Ignorance can make individuals to develop perceptions about certain places that are completely misplaced and untrue. According to Saunders, misconceptions from a far are sources of biasness that can be costly to a person, touring the world is a remedy to eliminating some of these perceptions. The magnificent city of Dubai changed Saunders attitude about a place he had never travelled before and the conclusive statement at the end of his narrative the new Mecca city carries the theme of the narrative. The picture created about Dubai was that it was a risky desert town with makeshift structures, which could not house people of class effectively. When Saunders had not travelled to Dubai, he heard the magnificent ideas that the government of United Arabs Emirates had but he only thought that these were just blusters. Saunders (23) states that, â€Å"Dubai looked something like Dallas circa 1985: a vast expanse of white boxes, punctuated by clusters of freakish skyscrapers†. This implies that the government had indeed fulfilled its plans to develop United Arabs Emirates to the benefit of its loyal citizens. On the plane to Dubai, he was amused to see a new technology based city dazzling in the desert. The ideas that sounded only theoretical to many people were indeed practical and all the projects were underway with some completed. There is a conception that the people in Dubai are violent hence, difficult to learn their language. Very many people doubt whether they can cope up with life in Dubai because of the language barrier. They think that they would find only uncooperative natives as city dwellers who only understand the local languages and it would be hard for them to find a translator. In reality when Saunders landed in Dubai, he was surprised that most of the city dwellers were foreigners who spoke very decent English and were very welcoming even if there were dressed like local Arabs. According to Saunders (24), â€Å"they are young sweet hearted guys from Nepal or Kenya or the Philippines, who speak terrific English†. Indeed Dubai proved to be an international city hence the idea of a language should not linger in the people’s minds. Most of the workers in the city came from the world poorest nations of Africa and southern Asia and all of them were satisfied with the life in this city. Saunders stated that,

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Specifying the components to build a PC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Specifying the components to build a PC - Essay Example Same is the case with other components. Let us consider that we want to buy a computer for our personal use. A personal computer (PC) does not need to have very high performance and costly components. The main components that should be the better ones are the processor and the RAM. Because these two components, if are of best capabilities, ensure the working performance of the whole system. A personal computer should be optimized for multimedia, gaming and application programs like word processors, spreadsheet programs, etc. It should be capable of running programs in parallel as most people like to listen to their favorite music while typing an email to one the best friends, etc. Computer games often contain a lot of transitional effects and animations, so LCD supportive to high resolutions will be a good choice. Budget is always the most important consideration in buying a computer. Always define a proper budget range in which you can easily afford to buy the computer. This will help you to decide the components that will be suitable to purchase within your budget range. After the budget is decided, make a list of the components that you want to be attached to your machine. In our scenario, let us consider that we have $800 budget in total. We will try to get the best possible components within this budget. Now we have to decide the components that are required for our computer. First we have to make a list of those components that are a must for the computer to work. These components are as follows: This is a list of all those components that are necessary for every personal computer to work properly. The system will have built-in VGA, sound card and an internal speaker. Now, we will try to take a look at these components in detail and try to get the best suited components within our budget and as per our requirements. If we look at the quotation given in the above section, it

Ethical Issue in Advanced Practice Nursing Essay

Ethical Issue in Advanced Practice Nursing - Essay Example They include the Strong model, Manley’s model and Benner’s model. To solve the problems above, the Strong model is the most effective due to its seven encompassing and interrelated domains. The nurses have a role to play in ensuring that the quality of patient care given to patients is high and satisfying. Quality healthcare is paramount for the development of the society and the whole nation at large. The importance of having healthy citizens cannot be understated, and this directly points to the vital and crucial roles played by the nurses. Advanced practice nursing is paramount in ensuring that the nurses who help patients and the general society are not only qualified but also provide the best of services for everyone. The healthcare that nurses provide plays a great role in saving lives, minimizing complications, campaigning and promoting the well being of people, prevention and reduction of suffering and also plays a great role in reducing health related expenditures (Patient-Centered Care, 2013). As a career, nursing has advocated for the frail and the vulnerable and has enlightened the community, all in a bid to improve the quality of life. Suzanne Gordon described the important roles that nurses play (Kelly and Tazbiri, 2013). She described how nurses, with their deep and con siderable knowledge take care of the patients from the dire consequences of diseases and illnesses, infirmity and physical challenges, and the challenges of undergoing some illnesses. They take care of the patients in hospitals and in care homes, or even by caring for them at their homes when the patients lose their ability to perform much of the daily tasks, even the most basic of them such as turning in bed, going for long or short calls, walking around the house or even feeding (Kelly and Tazbiri, 2013). Diagnosis, prescription and

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Written analysis of a quantitative research report to determine the Paper

Written analysis of a quantitative report to determine the validity of the study - Research Paper Example (Choi, 2005; Gardner, 2005a; Jeffreys, 2007b). Research on stress in nursing students indicates these students experience a variety of stressors, such as fear of failure, financial issues, patient care responsibilities, and balancing school work with personal life (Jones & Johnston, 1997, 1999). Furthermore, the greater the stress experienced, the greater the negative effects it has on student learning and success (Gwele & Uys, 1998; Jones & Johnston, 1997). Conceptual model is used in forms of diargrams and scales and it is used to help us understand the subject matter. This model includes 11 teaching strategies, such as prepairing learning objectives related to communication, premitting expression of identity and cultural sharing,providing bilinguaal and bicultural opportunities, modeling the use of texts and resources, and continuous assesment. The findings of this study reflect previous literature indicating that foreign-born nursing students report issues of discrimination, stereotyping, and cultural incompetence or incongruence (Gardner, 2005b; Jeffreys, 2007a). An interpretive phenomenological design was used to examine stress experiences and perceptions of faculty support among foreign-born generic baccalaureate nursing students. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis  (IPA) is an approach to psychological  qualitative research  with an idiographic focus, which means that it aims to offer insights into how a given person, in a given context, makes sense of a given  phenomenon. Usually these phenomena relate to experiences of some personal significance - such as a major life event, or the development of an important relationship. It has its theoretical origins in  phenomenology  and  hermeneutics, and key ideas from  Husserl,  Heidegger, and  Merleau-Ponty  are often cited  . IPA is one of several approaches to qualitative, phenomenological psychology. A purposeful sample of foreign-born

Friday, August 23, 2019

Business Research Methodologies Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business Research Methodologies - Coursework Example Both secondary and primary data, have their diverse advantages and disadvantages in any particular study. For this study, secondary data will be useful specifically for the fact that, it will provide with adequate information on trends shown in customer loyalty over the years. It will be useful in marking out the seasons that there are more customers and when they are low. Primary data has a lot more advantages that can be utilized by Haneesh after gaining the insight of the situation from the secondary data collected. It will enable him to carry out both qualitative and quantitative study, focusing on the major gaps identified by focusing on specific subjects. Positivism as a philosophy in a study does not give room for any form of speculation, therefore, its decisions are based on logical findings from a study. Therefore, in his study, he has to use a quantitative study which will enable him observe the customers and at the same time ask very specific questions. A research proposal for this study is of essence and relevant since it provides a framework upon which the study will be conducted. It is useful in determining whether the study will work out before starting off with the study. It provides a plan on all that will be done and the methods used in carrying out every step of the study. Literature review on the other hand, is useful in determining the gap in any particular area of study (Collector & Module 2011). In this case, literature review will provide information on various trends in customer loyalty which will be used as point of comparison with the present loyalty. This will be useful in giving an insight on the factors that determine loyalty of the customers at any point in time. The hypothetical assumption here is that the sales are going down due the fact there is a surge in e-books replacing the hard copies. To find out

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Opening Two Chapters of the Lord of the Flies Essay Example for Free

The Opening Two Chapters of the Lord of the Flies Essay When William Golding introduce the three main characters of the first two chapters, they seem to be stuck on an unknown island with no adults to look after them. Ralph, Piggy and Jack are their names. Ralph is a fair-minded boy who is ready for action. He is very wise as he often comes up with good ideas. He is immature compared to Piggy. Piggy is more determined and eager. In chapter one, he is very eager to find any other living being on the island. When Jack comes into the story you find that he is very aggressive and quite competitant. He is not fair-minded the way Ralph is and he is eager to be a chief and take charge of things. Through the essay I will discuss the leadership qualities of the three characters and I will argue that none of the them are capable of being a good leader on their own, but if they were to work together then maybe they could reach some succession Ralph, who is one of the three main characters, is the first person to be introduced on the island. One of the positive leadership qualities of Ralph is that he is very confident. This was the voice of one who knew his own mind. To be a leader, confidence is very necessary because if you have to stand up infront of people, you wont feel ashamed or scared! Piggy does not seem as confident as Ralph as he tends to hesitate when speaking in large crowds. Piggy glanced nervously into hell and cradled the conch. Jack, like Ralph, is confident too. Ralph and Jack are the ones who normally speak up whereas Piggy is the one who sits and listens. Ralph being as wise as he is, comes up with good ideas. We ought to draw a map. As Ralph is chosen as leader instead of Jack, he always shares his ideas with the rest of the group. I think that a good leader should come up with good ideas, as this is how the group will come to success and actually get somewhere. So really a good leader should be a team player. Like Ralph, I dont think that Piggy and Jack are team players. Even though Piggy is friendly to others he is not really a team player because he does not mix in well with others because of his problems. I think that Jack is too dictatorial to be a good team player. By reading the first couple of chapters, I found out that Ralph is basically the popular one of the group. Ralph counted. Im chief then. He had the most hands up out of the group when they were electing chief. So this does mean that he is popular. If a leader does not have any popularity then no one would listen to them. As Ralph is elected leader he tries to be fair and democratic. He allows Jack to be leader of the hunters when he himself is chosen as leader. Although Ralph has got good physical features and good leadership qualities, you could see now that he might make a boxer, as far as width and heaviness of shoulders went, but there was a mildness about his mouth and eyes that proclaimed no devil, he also has some weaknesses. I think that Ralphs immaturity can get in the way of his leadership. He always wants to have fun and is hardly serious about anything. Whilst were waiting we can have a good time on this island. A leader should take things seriously to get things done right, and on time. But having said all this, if you put Ralphs immaturity and his seriousness together, they kind of balance. So strictly speaking, Ralph has a got a balanced personality. I think that Jack and Piggys personality is not balanced like Ralphs is. I think that maybe theyre more on the mature and serious side. After Ralph is introduced in the story as the boy with fair hair, Piggy comes into the story. He makes his entrance by calling to Ralph. Hi! it said, Wait a minute! This quote indicates that Piggy wants to get noticed by Ralph. This shows that Piggy likes to be noticed although in the story this does not happen many times. Unlike Ralph, Piggy is more determined and eager, so a leader should be because I think that determination is what mostly brings people to success. In the first chapter Piggy is very eager to find anyone else living on the island. He comes up with different ways in which to manipulate Ralph into helping him do so. I expect theres a lot more of us scattered about. When Piggy and Ralph find the conch, Piggy comes up with a very good idea to call the others. He told Ralph to blow in it. This is a sign that Piggy does have a good leadership quality: he can come up with good ideas, like Ralph. Piggy is also very kind and friendly. This is a very necessary quality. If a leader is not very friendly, like Jack, then nobody would like them and enjoy having them around. Let him have the conch! shouted Piggy. This is where Piggy allows the little boy to have the conch so he could speak. As we know by reading the first couple of chapters, Piggy is quite mature compared to Ralph. Like kids! he said scornfully. Acting like a crowd of kids! When Piggy says this, he tries to imply that the rest of the boys are acting like kids and he is the only mature one around. Piggy can also be calm about things and very sensible at times, these are the good leadership qualities that could make him a good leader. But besides all this, when you read chapter two, you learn that Piggy has got a very quick temper. This is a very negative leader ship quality to have. Piggy lost his temper. Also, Piggy can be sarcastic. Sarcasm does not sound very polite the way Piggy sometimes uses it. You got your small fire all right. And again it is quite a negative leadership quality to have. Besides all the leadership qualities necessary to be a leader, Piggy does not have very good physical features. A leader should be strong and practical and very healthy. Piggy is neither of them. He is more on the fat side. His asthma does not allow him to be as practical as he may want to be. I was the only boy in school what had asthma, said the fat boy. I think that when the other boys went to explore the island, they did not let Piggy come with them because they were afraid that he would slow them down. To conclude about Piggy, I dont think that with all the problems he has, he would make a good leader. When Jack comes into the story, he makes his entrance by marching in on the beach. This already shows that he is full of confidant, a good leadership quality. Although Jack is very aggressive and dictatorial, he could make a good leader. He owns his own choir and he orders them about with oomph and confidence. Choir! Stand still. A leader should be able to talk to the rest of the group with confidence, like Jack and Ralph do. Jack is also quite competitant. A leader should be because this way they could have a challenge with someone else and see what they are good at and what they need to be good at. I think that in a way, a leader should be dominant. Jack is very dominant. I think that this is a good leadership quality because if a leader can control his group then there is no point of them being there. A leader must be dominant and should control their group. Although Jack seems too aggressive, he can also be friendly, like Piggy. Jack grinned back. It seems that Jack can smile and does not always hold a posh look. He is also quite funny as he can make people laugh. Shut up fatty! You have to be able to make someone laugh because this means that if someone is feeling down, you could make him or her feel better by making him or her laugh. I dont think that Jack will be a very good leader if he is chosen as one because he has not got many good leadership qualities as it is. I think that the following words describe him best: Dictatorial, impulsive, aggressive and dominant, arrogant, cruel, envious and red headed. As I have now explained the positive and negative leadership qualities that each of the three main characters has, I have finally come to a conclusion. I have decided that none of the three characters, Ralph, Piggy and Jack could make a good leader on their own. I think that if they work together and not have an individual leader then maybe they could achieve some success and come up with good ideas together. If you put all their positive leadership qualities together then you come up with one ever so good leader. If I were to re-write the whole story again, I would put that all three of them are leaders together!

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Features And Translation Of English Slang

The Features And Translation Of English Slang Slang is the use of informal words and expressions that does not belong to the standard English, but it is acceptable in certain social settings. In our daily life, we can see the use of slang in the books, magazines and movies on TV, because slang is related closely to the national culture. The translation of English slang is required the translator to pay attention to the appropriateness of the language and the background culture. Key words: English slang, daily life, translation, appropriateness, culture Language is the tool for human beings to communicate with each other, it has no class nature. But it doesnt mean that people use the same language in different class. The languages used in different class have their distinct characters and color; they can reflect the speakers social background, status, artistic culture and industry background. In English, slang is a colorful word. But now, people can use slang in the conversation to make their language to be vivid, humorous and different from others. Especially, the youth keep trying to make new slangs in their conversations. Meanwhile, slang can help the conversation to be easy and friendly. So slang is used widely in our daily life, for instance in the books, magazines and movies. As a widely used language, slang has its own definition, features and ways of translation. In a broad sense, idioms may include colloquialisms, catchphrases, slang expressions, proverbs, etc. In the Oxford Advanced Learners English-Chinese Dictionary, slang is very informal words and expressions that are more common in spoken language, especially used by a particular group of people, for example, children, criminals, soldiers, etc. In English, there are Standard Usage, Colloquialism and Jargon. Standard Usage is used by most people in every situation; Colloquialism is used in informal situation, especially in informal conversations. Jargon is the different language used in different professions, ages, etc. Slang seems to be between Colloquialism and Jargon, it is not only the commonly used language among the most people, but also belongs to a social group. Slang is a conversational word with some color which is understood by most people. Slang has many features by what we can use and understand it easily. Firstly, slang is convenient and concise. Generally speaking, slang is easy, short and attractive; to the contrary, Standard Usage is like stiff and tedious. Most slangs are created by the public in the daily life, so its more convenient, expressive and vivid than Standard Usage. For example, if you want to evaluate some food, you will use delicious to praise and terrible to complain in Standard Usage. Delicious and terrible are polysyllable, their pronunciations are longer. On the contrary, you can use two symmetric and easy words to express, yummy and yukky. There is another example. Beer party can be expressed to kegger in slang which is very visual and vivid; both hop and dance mean dance, but people make a connection between hop and grasshopper crowhops happily in the grass. Secondly, slang is very humorous. As we all know, the American are humorous and imaginative, so most slang is expressed the Americans wisd om and humor. The Pentagon is called Target A in the slang, which satirize that America plays Pacific police in the world to interpose the other countries domestic affairs. In Chinese, we use à ¦Ã‚ ¸Ã‚ ¸Ãƒ ¦Ã‚ ³Ã‚ ³Ãƒ ¥Ã…“ˆ to describe someones waistline is exceed standard, and the American use lovehandles to describe it. Thirdly, slang is informal. For example, people always use telly to express television, some think telly is too formal so that they use goggle-box or the one-eye monster instead. When something is wrong with the television, it can be expressed to Its on the blink. Fourthly, slang is neoteric unstable and fast updated. The idea what is thought of suddenly can be expressed to brain storm; firemen is called smoke eater; airplane is called flying coffin; people who waste the time is called clock watcher. All these imaginative words are fresh so they are popular. In the modern society, students, servants and fans like to use slang in their daily life, meanwhile, they are not satisfied with the slang, so they always make new slang in their conversation. As time goes by, the new slang will make the old to lose their freshness and it will be replaced. Slang can be divided into two parts by the life, one is a flash in the pan, for instance, skidoo, peach, skirt, etc. and the other one can spread widely to become the Standard Usage, for example, baby-sitter, fire, boss, fan, yes-man, cop, etc. Finally, slang has synonymity. Slang has many vocabularies to describe the same thing, because every class will provide the new words for slang and it wont be stopped by too many words which are the same meaning. Slangs synonymity is expressed on die, drink, money and body etc. For example, die can be expressed to to kick the bucket, to turn it in, to turn ones toes up, to turn ones heels, to be agoner, to go up the flame; slightly drunk can be called fresh, lush, squiffy, tight; very drunk can be expressed to soaked, sozzeld, stoned; confused with drink can be called blitzed, fuddled, woozy. Besides, money can be expressed to brass, lolly, tin, dash, bees, dough, bread, honey. In a word, slangs expressional color and extent are enriched by the plenty of synonyms. When we understand the features of slang, we can translate and use slang better in our English study and daily conversation. Incontestably, there are some ways to translate slang. Firstly, transliteration is the fundamental way of translating slang. When there is no word to translate slang, we can translate slang based on its pronunciation. For example, salon, hacker, cool, Hippies and Yuppies can be translated into à ¦Ã‚ ²Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ©Ã‚ ¾Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Ãƒ ©Ã‚ »Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃƒ ¥Ã‚ ®Ã‚ ¢Ãƒ £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Ãƒ ©Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã‚ ·Ãƒ £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ¬Ã¢â‚¬ °Ãƒ §Ã… ¡Ã‚ ®Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ £Ã‚ «Ãƒ ¥Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ã…’à ©Ã¢â‚¬ ºÃ¢â‚¬ ¦Ãƒ §Ã… ¡Ã‚ ®Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ £Ã‚ «. But not all slang can be translated by transliteration, if we can find the proper way to translate, we should avoid using transliteration. Secondly, literal translation is the common way to translate slang. It can keep the content and form of the text; meanwhile, it can help us to understand the western culture. But literal translation is difficult, because w e shouldnt make the readers confused in our translation. For example, Mark is an old hand in fixing cars. can be translated into à ©Ã‚ ©Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¥Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¥Ã…“ ¨Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ®Ãƒ §Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬  Ãƒ ¦Ã‚ ±Ã‚ ½Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ ½Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¦- ¹Ãƒ ©Ã‚ Ã‚ ¢Ãƒ ¦Ã‹Å" ¯Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ ¸Ã¢â€š ¬Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ ¸Ã‚ ªÃƒ ¨Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Ãƒ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ ºÃ¢â‚¬  Ãƒ £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ an old hand is a slang; it can be literally translated into à ¨Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Ãƒ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã¢â‚¬ ¹ which means be good at. Literal translation can make the English sentence to be humorous and enrich the Chinese vocabulary. Thirdly, free translation is more common and flexible than literal translation; it keeps the content of the text except the form. For example, Dont pull my leg. may be translated into à ¤Ã‚ ¸Ã‚ Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ ¦Ã‚ Ãƒ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ã¢â‚¬ °Ãƒ ¦Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃƒ §Ã… ¡Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ãƒ ¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã‚ ¿, but it should be translated into à ¥Ã‹â€ Ã‚ «Ãƒ §Ã‚ »Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¦Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃƒ ¥Ã‚ ¼Ã¢â€š ¬Ãƒ §Ã… ½Ã‚ ©Ãƒ §Ã‚ ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ. We must use free translation to in stead of literal translation here, because we must pay attention on the meaning of the sentence instead of the form. Finally, replacement is the important way to solve the problem to translating English slang into Chinese. Different countries have different cultures and ways of thinking. We can replace the image to avoid missing the special meaning. For example, cat is the pet of the Europe and it means woman in their culture. So models walk is called catwalk. In a word, when we meet cat in English sentences, we should translate it into human first. She called me a copy cat just because my shoes look like hers. a copy cat can be translated into à §Ã…“†¹Ãƒ ¦Ã‚  Ã‚ ·Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¦Ã‚  Ã‚ ·Ãƒ §Ã… ¡Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ ºÃ‚ º. Actually, there are many ways to translate slang into Chinese. We should keep learning their culture and languages so that we can translate slang better. Generally speaking, the argument of slang is still existed. Some argue that learning slang will destroy English, we should make it normative. Some support that slang is vivid and humorous so we should learn it. In my opinion, slang is an interesting part of the English learning. If we learn English, we should learn the culture, language and life. Meanwhile, we can learn slang better by learning the features and ways of translation of slang. Work cited: à ¥Ã‚ ¼Ã‚  Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ ¼Ã… ¸Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ã‚ ¼Ã‹â€ 2001 ¼Ã¢â‚¬ °Ãƒ £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…  Ãƒ ¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ã‚ ±Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ ¯Ã‚ ­Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ ¯Ã‚ Ãƒ ¦Ã‚ ±Ã¢â‚¬ ¡Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ §Ã‚ ¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹ à ¦Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¦Ã‚ ±Ã¢â‚¬ ° à ¥Ã‚ Ã… ½Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ ¸Ã‚ ­Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ¸Ã‹â€ Ãƒ ¨Ã…’Æ’Ã ¥Ã‚ ¤Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¥Ã¢â‚¬ ¡Ã‚ ºÃƒ §Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‹â€ Ãƒ §Ã‚ ¤Ã‚ ¾ à ©Ã‹Å"Ã… ¡Ãƒ ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ã…  Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ©  ¼Ã‹â€ 2012 ¼Ã¢â‚¬ °Ãƒ ¦Ã‚ µÃ¢â‚¬ ¦Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ °Ã‹â€ Ãƒ ¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ã‚ ±Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ ¯Ã‚ ­Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ ¿Ã… ¡Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ ¯Ã‚ ­Ãƒ §Ã… ¡Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ãƒ §Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¹Ãƒ §Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¹Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ Ã…  Ãƒ §Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ »Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ ¯Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ à ©Ã‚ ½Ã‚ Ãƒ ©Ã‚ ½Ã‚ Ãƒ ¥Ã¢â‚¬Å"ˆÃ ¥Ã‚ °Ã¢â‚¬ Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ¸Ã‹â€ Ãƒ ¨Ã…’Æ’Ã ©Ã‚ «Ã‹Å"à §Ã‚ ­Ã¢â‚¬ °Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ ¸Ã¢â‚¬Å"à §Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃƒ ¥Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¦Ã‚  Ã‚ ¡Ãƒ ¦Ã‚  Ã‚ ¡Ãƒ ¦Ã…  Ã‚ ¥ à ¨Ã‚ ¾Ã‚ ¹Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ ¸Ã‚ ½Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ º  ¼Ã‹â€ 2011 ¼Ã¢â‚¬ °Ãƒ ¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ã‚ ±Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ ¯Ã‚ ­Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ ¿Ã… ¡Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ ¯Ã‚ ­Ãƒ §Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ »Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ ¯Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃƒ §Ã‚ ­-à §Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã‚ ¥ à ¥Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃƒ ¥Ã‚ -à ¦-†¡Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ¦ Oxford Advanced Learners English-Chinese Dictionary à §Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã¢â‚¬ ºÃƒ ¦Ã‚ ´Ã‚ ¥Ãƒ ©Ã‚ «Ã‹Å"à ©Ã‹Å" ¶Ãƒ ¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ã‚ ±Ãƒ ¦Ã‚ ±Ã¢â‚¬ °Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ Ã…’à ¨Ã‚ £Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ ¯Ã‚ Ãƒ ¥Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã‚ ¸Ãƒ §Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¥Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã‚ ­Ãƒ §Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‹â€  à ¥Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ãƒ ¥Ã…  Ã‚ ¡Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ Ã‚ °Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ ¹Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ©Ã‚ ¦Ã¢â‚¬   à §Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã¢â‚¬ ºÃƒ ¦Ã‚ ´Ã‚ ¥Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ¤Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¥Ã¢â‚¬ ¡Ã‚ ºÃƒ §Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‹â€ Ãƒ §Ã‚ ¤Ã‚ ¾ à ¦Ã‚ µÃ¢â‚¬ ¦Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ °Ã‹â€ Ãƒ §Ã‚ ¾Ã… ½Ãƒ ¥Ã¢â‚¬ ºÃ‚ ½Ãƒ ¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ã‚ ±Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ ¯Ã‚ ­Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ ¿Ã… ¡Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ ¯Ã‚ ­Ãƒ §Ã… ¡Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ãƒ §Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¹Ãƒ §Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¹Ãƒ ¥Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ã…’à ¦Ã… ¾Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ãƒ ¦Ã‹â€ Ã‚  à ¦Ã‚ µÃ¢â‚¬ ¦Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ °Ã‹â€ Ãƒ ¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ã‚ ±Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ ¯Ã‚ ­Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ ¿Ã… ¡Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ ¯Ã‚ ­Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ Ã…  Ãƒ ¥Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã‚ ¶Ãƒ §Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ »Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ ¯Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃƒ ¦- ¹Ãƒ ¦Ã‚ ³Ã¢â‚¬ ¢

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Do We See With Our Eyes or Brain?

Do We See With Our Eyes or Brain? Perceiving our world may seem simple and may be taken for granted. Yet, the occipital lobes form the largest part of the cortex and are dedicated to visual perception. As light enters the pupils and hits the retina, a two dimensional image is created and sent to the occipital lobes through geniculate and striate pathways. The occipital lobes process the visual information, deciphering and generating an image which we understand. Thus it is argued that we see with our brain, not with our eyes. This essay will illustrate supporting evidence for this statement found in research of visual illusions. For instance, we will discuss the Ebbinghause illusion as well as Milner and Goodales (1995) vision for action and vision for perception model. Additionally, the Mà ¼ller-Lyer illusion as explained by Gregory (1996) will be discussed as well as the checker shadow illusion (Adelson, 1993). The Ebbinghaus illusion, is a well-known cognitive illusion whereby two circles are central to smaller or larger circles respectively. These smaller circles surround the central circle. While both central circles are the same diameter, the surrounding circles provide a context which confused our perception of the size of these central circles. Thus, we perceive the central circles to be different in size (Giusberti, Cornoldi, De Beni, Massironi 1998). Milner and Goodale (1995) suggested the existence of two different visual systems in the brain which fulfil different functions. One system is for vision for action and guides motor actions through the dorsal pathway. This system is active when grasping for items. The second system is vision for perception through the ventral pathway, and controls perception and object recognition (Goodale Milner, 1992). Supporting the notion of two visual systems, studies (Aglioti, DeSouza, Goodale, 1995; Vishton, 2004) have shown that participants asked to grasp the central circles in the an Ebbinghaus illusion fashioned from physical disc objects, the scale of their grip aperture was not affected by the illusion and the effect of illusion on their misjudgement of size decreased. However, this theory has been challenged (Franz, Fahle, Bulthoff, Gegenfurtner, 2001; Smeets Brenner, 2006) by contradictory findings reporting no dissociation between action and perception, and which have found grasping to be insensitive to the illusion. Rose Bressan (2002) state that no single hypothesis has yet sufficiently explain the mechanism behind the Ebbinghaus illusion. The Mà ¼ller-Lyer illusion contains two lines of equal length which appear to be unequal when an inward and outward directed angle is placed at the ends. The line with inward pointing angle appears to be longer whereas the line with outward pointing angle appears to be shorter. Gregory (1966) suggests that although what we see is a two dimensional parallel line, our brain uses its knowledge of the third dimension to erroneously add information to the stimuli resulting in our interpretation that one line is longer than the other. Size constancy is explained as the brains ability to estimate size (Weidner, Boers, Mathiak, Dammers, Fink, 2010). The visual system is able to acquire a stable perceived size, despite the fact the image reflected on the retina changes (Sperandio, Chen, Goodale, 2014). We therefore perceive an image created by our brain by a combination of the retinal image size and distance information. The checker shadow illusion (Adelson,1993) relates to our perception of colour and brightness. Visual information processed by our occipital lobes is continually adjusted and colours perceived are due to the interpretation of our surroundings. The illusion is created from a chessboard with varying dark and light squares. In the right top corner is a cylinder which reflects its shadow on the board. Two squares are marked with â€Å"A† and â€Å"B† on the chessboard. Square â€Å"A† is a dark square outside of the cylinder’s shadow. Square â€Å"B† is a light square under the shadow of the cylinder. Square â€Å"A† is perceived as darker than â€Å"B†. However, they are exactly the same colour. Adelson (1993) provides two levels of explanation for this illusion. As per the visual system explanation, cues are used to identify the changes in brightness due to shadows. One of these cues are the local contrasts, the squares on the chessboard are darker and lighter. The light coloured square â€Å"B† is surrounded by dark squares and it appears to be lighter compared to its surroundings, although it is darker due to the shadow. The second cue is variation due to the shadow which has soft edges. The visual system tends to ignore the slight brightness changes, also the object casting the shadow is visible. Hence, the colour variation of the squares with sharp edges is interpreted by our occipital lobes as changes in surface colour. A more general explanation provided by Adelson (1993) suggests it is important to break down the larger image into smaller meaningful components to see the essence of the objects. The phenomena of visual illusions provide a good examples of the limitation of visual perception. Moreover, it indicates that the brain adds information such as depth cues to the raw visual input from our eyes to make sense of the 2 dimensional retinal images. For instance, as with the Ebbinghaus illusion, the human brain combines context information naturally. The neighbouring smaller and larger circles impact on our judgement of size resulting in the central circles to appear different in size when this is not the case. Goodale and Milner (1994) hypothesized the Ebbinghaus illusion to result from double dissociation between grasping and shape perception. Furthermore, the Mà ¼ller-Lyer illusion (Gregory, 1968) suggests the brain adds knowledge of third dimension cues to 2 dimensional retinal images. The explanation based on size constancy refers to the brain reinterpreting the scene based on the assumption that inward angles appears to be closer and hence the line appears to be sho rter. Adelsons (1993) checker shadow illusion provides multiple explanations. As per the visual system theory, cues of brightness from the chessboard and shadow, sharp and soft edges of contrast lead to a perceived change in surface colour. While we see with our eyes in the sense that information enters the visual system via this aperture, it is our brain’s occipital lobes which process this information. The examples provided from visual illusions provide supporting evidence of this process. References Adelson, E. H. (1993) Perceptual organization and the judgement of brightness. Science, 262(5142), 2042-2045. Aglioti, S., DeSouza, J. F., Goodale, M.A. (1995). Size-contrast illusions deceive the eye but not the hand. Current Biology, 5, 679–685. Franz, V. H., Fahle, M., Bulthoff, H. H., Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2001). Effects of visual illusions on grasping. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 27, 1124-1144. Giusberti, F., Cornoldi, C., De Beni, R., Massironi, M. (1998). Perceptual Illusions in Imagery, European Psychologist, 3(4), 281-288. Goodale, M. A., Milner, A. D. (1992). Separate visual pathways for perception and action. Trends in Neurosciences, 15, 20–25. Gregory, R. L. (1966). Eye and Brain, The psychology of seeing. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson . Haart, O., Grace, E., Carey, D. P., Milne, A. B. (1999). More thoughts on perceiving and grasping the Mà ¼ller–Lyer illusion. Neuropsychologia, 37(13), 1437-1444. Milner, A. D., Goodale, M. A. (1995). The visual brain in action. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. Rose, D., Bressan, P. (2002). Going round in circles: shape effects in the Ebbinghouse Illusion, Spatial Vision,15(2), 191–203. Smeets, J. B., Brenner, E. (2006). 10 years of illusions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 32, 1501–1504. Sperandio, I., Chen, J., Goodale, M. (2014). Electrophysiological correlates of size constancy. Journal of Vision, 14(10), 146-146. Vishton, P. M. (2004). Human vision focuses on information relevant to a task, to the detriment of information that is not relevant. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 27(1), 53-54. Weidner, R., Boers, F., Mathiak, K., Dammers, J. Fink, G. R. (2010). The temporal dynamics of the Mà ¼ller-Lyer illusion. Cerebral Cortex, 20(7), 1586-1595. The effect of recall latency on primacy and recency effect in a word recall test. SID1250948, STU1250948 Anglia Ruskin University Word count for report 2: Abstract This present study investigates the recency effect in the presence of distracter task which stands in line with the Atkinson and Shiffrin multi store memory model. The serial position effect was observed where 132 randomly selected people were asked to recall simple words in a series of six rounds which included three distracting tasks. A recency effect was observed in the presence of a distracter task. As with previous studies of recency effect was observed contradicting the predictions of the multi store model. The result of the report is in contrast with the findings of Bjork and Whitten (1970), as they revealed that the interpolated basic mathematics task which creates delay, still resulted in striking recency effect. Introduction In free word recall test, the serial position effect produced provides support for the multi store model of memory as it was previously investigated (Deese Kauffman, 1957, Glanzer Kunitz 1966). Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968) explain the U-shape of the serial position as the primacy effect is due to the first words being transferred to the long-term memory and the recency effect emerges from the short-term memory. Higher recall initially occurs due to participants rehearsing of the words at the beginning of the list, allowing encoding these words into long term memory. The decline of the U shape occurs due to insufficient rehearsal time while exceeding the capacity of short term memory which is 7 -+2 as per Miller’s (1976) findings. However when testing the primacy and recency effects with delayed recall, Whitten and Bjork (1974) found a striking effect of recency during the distraction condition of a free word recall test, thus contradicting the predictions of the multi store model Atkinson and Shiffrin (1960) and suggestions of Rundus (1971). The present aims to assess the prediction of the Atkinson Shiffrin multi store model in relation to recency effect in the presence of distracting task prior to word recall. Based on the multi store model it is hypothesized that there will be higher percentage of word recall earlier in the list for immediate recall condition thus demonstrating a primacy effect. Furthermore it is predicted that there will be a lower percentage of word recalled after distraction task demonstrating a lack of recency effect. Methods Design A repeated measures experiment was performed using a free word recall test. Recall latency was our 2 level independent variable (immediate recall, and delayed recall at 30 seconds). Percentage of word recalled was our dependent variable. Procedure Participants completed the free word recall test, consisting of 6 lists. Each list contained 12 emotionally neutral words. Words were displayed for 2 seconds with 3 seconds interval. Upon display completion, participants were instructed to recall and write down as many words as possible. Every second list contained a distracter task where participants were asked to perform 10 simple arithmetic exercises lasting a total of 30 seconds. Participants could proceed with the next word list once they could not recall any more words. Participants Two hundred and sixty-four students from Anglia Ruskin University were randomly contacted via Students Records. Every second person was recruited into the experimental sample providing a total of 132 participants (30 males) aged 18 to 44 years old (M= 19.87). Participant received course credits for taking part in the experiment. All participants were given written consent and the experiment was approved by the ethics committee of the university. Materials The experiment was performed in an Information Technology classroom providing participants with desktop computers to display word lists. The 6 emotionally neutral word lists each consisted of 12 one to two syllable words. The arithmetic exercises provided as a delay task consisted of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division with numbers below 100. Participants were supplied with a pen and answering sheet. Results The primacy effect was more prevalent for both immediate word recall (M=55.49, SD=33.36) and delayed recall (M=42.92, SD=33.36) than the recency effect for immediate recall (M=48.85, SD=31.37) and delayed recall (M=35.51, SD=31.37). Testing hypothesis 1, a repeated measures t-test was performed comparing primacy (M= 49.20, SD= 24.10) and recency (M= 42.18, SD= 21.81) effect regardless of recall latency. A significant difference was observed demonstrating a larger effect of primacy on percentage of words recalls, t(263)= 4.37, p There was a significant difference in the scores for primacy effect immediate and primacy effect delayed conditions (t(132)=3.45, p A significant difference was also found in recency effect between scores for immediate and delayed conditions (t(132)=3.95, p Discussion A higher percentage of words were recalled at start than at the end of the word list providing support for our first hypothesis that a primacy effect would be more prevalent than a recency effect. Our second hypothesis was also supported as the percentage of word recall at the start and end of the word lists were both reduced by the distractor task lowering the effect of both primacy and recency. Our findings stand in line with Bjork and Whitten (1974). Differences between Bjork Whitten study for instance, our study employed 132 participants compared to their 20, reflecting the higher statistic power of our analyses. Furthermore, Bjork and Whittens distractor task lasted for 12 second compared to our 30 seconds. As such our distractor task would exceed the time of the short term memory (Miller, 1954) while Bjork Whitten’s distractor would not allowing for a greater effect of recency. Our experiment provided additional support (Rundus, 1971) for Atkinson Schiffrin’s m ulti store model. Our results reflect theoretical predictions based in the model regarding primacy effect as words are transferred to long term memory via rehearsal. Moreover, while a recency effect can be observed this is greatly reduced by a distractor task which fully occupies the capacity of the short term memory hindering recall. We suggest that further experiments be conducted exploring the effect of varying types of distractor task on short term memory. This is suggested due to assertions of the Baddley and Hitch working memory model whereby short term memory processes are split under phonological and visuo-spatial ones. References Atkinson, R. C., Shiffrin, R. M., (1968). Human memory: a proposed system and its control processes. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Bjork, R. A., Whitten, W. B. (1974). Recency-Sensitive Retrieval Process in Long-term Free Recall. Cognitive Psychology, 6, 173-189. Deese, J., Kaufman, R. A. (1954). Serial Position effects on recall of unorganized and sequentially organized verbal material. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 54, 180-187. Glenberg, A. M., Bradley, M. M., Kraus, T. A., Renzaglia, G. J., Shiffrin, R. M. (1983). Studies of the long-term recency effect: Support for a contextually guided retrieval hypothesis. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 9(2), 231-255. Glanzer, M., Cunitz, A. R. (1966). Two Storage Mechanisms in Free Recall, Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behaviour, 5, 351-360. Kurbat, M. A., Shevell, S. K., Rips, L. J. (1998). A years memories: the calendar effect in autobiographical recall. Memory cognition, 26(3), 532-552. Miller, G. (1956). The magical number seven, plus or minus two: Some limits on our capacity for processing information. The Psychological Review, 63(2), 81–97. Rundus, D., (1971). Analysis of rehearsal processes in free recall. Journal of Experimental Psychology 89 (1), 63–77. from results: Two further repeated measures t-tests were conducted comparing the effect of primacy and recency in immediate recall and delayed recall. from intro: Rundus (1971) also found evidence which supports that when words which are presented first are rehearsed more often, allowing them to move to long term memory. Rundus suggests if the recall is delayed by a distracting activity which lasts longer than the capacity of the short-term memory, the recency effect is cancelled.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Essay --

What is progeria? The word Progeria is a Greek word â€Å"progeros† meaning 'prematurely old' Progeria is a rare genetic disease that causes children to age faster than normal. Children with this disease do not show any symptoms at birth until after their first 10 months, after which their face and body will start to show accelerated retardation and resembles to that of an adult. Their head usually grows to that of an adult and their hair will start to disappear as they grow. Life average expectancy for children affected by this illness is usually between 13 to 20 years. Research shows the major causes of death of children affected by this disease is heart failure and stroke. Causes Symptoms Complications Preparing for your appointment Tests and diagnosis Treatments and drugs Lifestyle and home remedies Lifestyle and home remedies coping and support Causes Majority of children with this disease have a change in the gene that is responsible for encoding the LMNA in their bodies. LMNA is a gene that is responsible for producing a protein that helps maintain the structural integrity of the nucleus in human cells. When LMN A malfunctions certain nucleus in the body becomes unbalance. As a result of this malfunctioned nucleus, it is believed that the malfunctioned or the unbalanced proteins are the cause of progeria in children. Sometimes this disease occurs without any given cause. It sometimes occurs in a family that has not such history. While this disease affects the genes that helps our body to function there is no proven research which shows that it hereditary. Symptoms Children with this disorder are born normal at birth. They start to show characteristics of this disease before their first birthday. At this time they will start to... ...t blood clots. Growth hormone medication may also help the patient increase height and weight. Research also shows that there are steps parents and doctors can take to improve the quality of life for children affected by this disease. Example: since poor appetite is associate with this disease, parents are encourage to give certain nutritional supplements, like Pediasure and Boost to help patient get the nutrition and calories they need. Lifestyle and home remedies There are some steps parents can take at home that may help child affected by this disease. Parent should make sure to keep children with progeria stay warm and always hydrated. Dehydration can cause more harm to children affected with this disease. The child needs to always drink enough, more so whenever they are ill. They should always be provided with meals they are reach in nutrients and calories.

Monasticism And Intellectual L Essays -- essays research papers

Religious and intellectual institutions underwent significant changes throughout the middle ages. In some cases, advances were made, and in others, there was a major decline. Through all of these times, the people of the middle ages learned what didn’t work, what did, and how to progress once they found what did work. The true form of monasticism in the western Christian church was founded by Saint Benedict of Nursia. He wrote the famous "Benedict’s Rule" between 520-530. The fundamentals of the rule was that each day was divided into a series of activities with an emphasis on prayer and manual labor. The monks would all gather together seven times each day for prayer. These were all male institutions, however, Benedict’s sister, Scholastica founded monasteries for women. Many of the texts we have today are with us because of monks. Beginning in the ninth century, the monks used scriptoria, or writing rooms, to copy different manuscripts. Between the sixth and tenth centuries, the monasteries experienced what one might call a moral decline. The purity and poverty which was the ideal for monks was being abandoned. Simony, the buying of clerical positions, was common, as was the practice of priests being married. In 910, Duke William of Aquataine wanted to do something t o correct this problem. He founded the abbey of Cluny, which was an independent monastery. Cluny was kept independent from any kind of secular control. It sought to brin...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Life On Mars Essay -- essays research papers fc

Life on Mars If life ever evolved on any of the other planets, Mars is the likeliest candidate. After Earth, Mars is the planet with the most hospitable climate in the solar system. So hospitable that it may once have inhabited primitive, bacteria-like life. Outflow channels and other geologic features provide extensive evidence that billions of years ago liquid water flowed on the surface of Mars. Continuing changes is an accomplishment in modern American technology and it gives the world a step forward in finding the real truth about existing life on Mars. Hurtling in from space some 16 million years ago, a giant asteroid slammed into the surface of Mars and exploded with more power than a million hydrogen bombs. This caused huge quantities of rock and soil to fly into the thin Mars’ atmosphere. While most of the rocks fell back to the surface, some of the debris, fired upward by the blast at high velocities, escaped the weak tug of Mars’ gravity and entered into orbits of their o wn around the sun. Scientists believe that the earth’s gravity caught some of the debris and pulled it into the earth. Scientist Digregorio, Barry E (B4) stated that inside the debris of falling rock, were microorganisms. He notes that the microorganisms may have been the very start of life, as human civilization knows it. There is no way to prove his theory true, but it is a strong possibility. Similarities in planets led scientists to believe there is a common bond between Venus, Earth, and Mars. In August 1960 the new science of astrobiology was given the name â€Å"exobiology,† the study of the origin, evolution, and distribution of life in the universe. Venus, Earth and Mars share similar amounts of carbon dioxide, indicating a similar origin for these worlds, even though much of Mars’ carbon dioxide mysteriously emerges from the soil and some from the polar ice cap. A theory is that â€Å"anaerobes† lived on all the planets. Anaerobes can only live without oxygen. When the Earth’s ozone started to form, over half the world’s organisms of anaerobes died off and later evolved to become aerobes, which can only survive with a constant supply of oxygen. Scientists believe that the high surface temperatures on the dark areas of Mars may be explained on the presence of living vegetation placed upon a dry vegetable mold. Coblentz, a scientist of physics and astrology, created a theory that ... or ever was life on Mars. Bibliography Burgess, Eric. To the Red Planet. New York: Columbia University Press, 1978. Account of the Viking expedition. Chandler, David. Life on Mars. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1979. Explores the possibility of life on Mars. Gibbons, John, et al. Exploring Moon and Mars: Choices for the Nation. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1991. A report by the Office of Technology Assessment. Matsunaga, Spark. The Mars Project. New York: Hill and Wang, 1986. Senator Matsunaga calls for a joint U.S.-Soviet manned mission to Mars. Miles, Frank and Booth, Nicholas. Race to Mars. New York: Harper & Row, 1988. Mars mission concepts. Pittendrigh, Colin, et al, eds. Biology and the Exploration of Mars. Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Sciences National Research Council, 1966. Report of a study held under the auspices of the Space Science Board. Works Cited Dick, Steven J. Life On Other Worlds. Australia: Melbourse, 1998. Digregorio, Barry E. Mars The Living Planet. Califronia: Berkeley, 1997. Goldsmith, Donald. The Hunt for Life ON Mars. England: Middlesex, 1997 Jakosky, Vuce. The Search for Life on Other Planets. New York: New York, 1998.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Gitanjali: Rabindranath Tagore Essay

Gitanjali is a collection of 103 Bengali poems which were translated to several languages like in English, and other European languages. The meaning of the term explains the nature of the book. Gitanjali, the term comes the merger of two words ‘git’ and ‘anjali’, ‘git’ means song and ‘anjali’ means offering. Therefore, it means ‘Songs of Offerings’. Gitanjali is a book to feel and cherish, the greatest book of a great writer. Tagore wrote poems for various moods, be it love ,devotion, stories, sorrow, joy even realism. Rabindranath Tagore has provided Western culture with strong example of Eastern Philosophy in both prose and poetry. Tagore had written his Gitanjali (song offerings) in Bengali, and after he learned from William Rothenstein of Western interest in them, he translated them into English. Chiefly for this volume, Tagore was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913, the same year that Macmillan brought out a hard-cover copy of his prose translations of Gitanjali. This poem shows the charm of humbleness: it is a prayer to help the poet open his heart to the Divine Beloved without extraneous words or gestures. A vain poet would produce vain poetry, so this poet wants to be open to the simple humility of truth that only the Divine Beloved can afford him. As Yeats says, these songs grow out of culture in which art and religion are the same, so it is not surprising that we find our offerer of songs speaking to God in song after song, as is the case in #7. And the last line in song #7 is a subtle–or perhaps not so subtle–allusion to Bhagavan Krishna. According the Paramahansa Yogananda, â€Å"Krishna is shown in Hindu art with a flute; on it he plays the enrapturing song that recalls to their true home the human souls wandering in delusion. † W. B. Yeats, in the introduction to Tagore’s Gitanjali, writes that this volume has â€Å"stirred my blood as nothing has for years . . . .† He explains, â€Å"These lyrics . . . display in their thought a world I have dreamed of all my life long. † Then Yeats describes the Indian culture that he feels is responsible for producing this remarkable work: â€Å"The work of a supreme culture, they yet appear as much the growth of the common soil as the grass and the rushes. A tradition, where poetry and religion are the same thing, has passed through the centuries, gathering from learned and unlearned metaphor and emotion, and carried back again to the multitude the thought of the scholar and of the noble. † He contrasts the art of his own culture: â€Å"If our life was not a continual warfare, we would not have taste, we would not know what is good, we would not find hearers and readers. Four-fifths of our energy is spent in this quarrel with bad taste, whether in our own minds or in the minds of others. † Yeats might seem harsh in his assessment of his own culture’s motivation to art, but, no doubt, he has correctly identified the mood of his era. Yeats having been born of Western culture, his birth dates are famous as the markers of two horrendous Western wars 1865 and 1939. So his rough estimate of the artists being motivated by warfare is quite understandable. On the other hand, his assessment of Tagore’s achievement is accurate. As Yeats tells us, Tagore’s songs are not only respected and admired by the scholarly class, but also they are sung in the fields by peasants. Yeats would never have expected his own poetry to be accept by such a wide spectrum of the population. My favorite Gitanjali poem (song offering) is #7: My song has put off her adornments. She has no pride of dress and decoration. Ornaments would mar our union. They would come between thee and me. Their jingling would drown thy whispers. My poet’s vanity dies in shame before thy sight. O Master Poet, I have sat down at thy feet. Only let me make my life simple and straight like a flute of reed for thee to fill with music. Gitanjali poem #7: My song has put off her adornments. She has no pride of dress and decoration. Ornaments would mar our union. They would come between thee and me. Their jingling would drown thy whispers. My poet’s vanity dies in shame before thy sight. O Master Poet, I have sat down at thy feet. Only let me make my life simple and straight like a flute of reed for thee to fill with music. These words are metaphysical yet have a beautiful message hidden. A message that is subtle yet clear. It says that love is liberated from all the social constraints†¦ pure feelings. It is a free bird just in need of communion. Human love and celestial love are brought parallel†¦ like Jayadeva does in his GeetGovind. Vaishnavs like Jayadeva derived inspiration from Lord Vishnu and his most admired avatar, Krishna. But, Tagore saw elements of similarity between human and celestial love in the Baul community of Bengal and translated them into his poetry. I feel that literature like this binds the whole country into one, highlighting pure emotions like love. The universal yet multiple culture of our country is displayed in this beautiful string of songs as one, the universality lying in emotions and the multiplicity in the many types of cultures. This string is not that of pearls or stones but of love and one that brings us closer to divine. Tagore, like Chaucer’s forerunners, writes music for his words, and one understands at every moment that he is so abundant, so spontaneous, so daring in his passion, so full of surprise, because he is doing something which has never seemed strange, unnatural, or in need of defence. These verses will not lie in little well-printed books upon ladies’ tables, who turn the pages with indolent hands that they may sigh over a life without meaning, which is yet all they can know of life, or be carried by students at the university to be laid aside when the work of life begins, but, as the generations pass, travellers will hum them on the highway and men rowing upon the rivers. Lovers, while they await one another, shall find, in murmuring them, this love of God a magic gulf wherein their own more bitter passion may bathe and renew its youth. At every moment the heart of this poet flows outward to these without derogation or condescension, for it has known that they will understand; and it has filled itself with the circumstance of their lives. The traveller in the read-brown clothes that he wears that dust may not show upon him, the girl searching in her bed for the petals fallen from the wreath of her royal lover, the servant or the bride awaiting the master’s home-coming in the empty house, are images of the heart turning to God. Flowers and rivers, the blowing of conch shells, the heavy rain of the Indian July, or the moods of that heart in union or in separation; and a man sitting in a boat upon a river playing lute, like one of those figures full of mysterious meaning in a Chinese picture, is God Himself. A whole people, a whole civilization, immeasurably strange to us, seems to have been taken up into this imagination; and yet we are not moved because of its strangeness, but because we have met our own image, as though we had walked in Rossetti’s willow wood, or heard, perhaps for the first time in literature, our voice as in a dream. REFERENCE: 1. Rabindranath Tagore. Gitanjali. Electronic text center. University of Virginia .

Friday, August 16, 2019

Comparing Public School and Home School

If we are talking about schools, it seems like Public School and Home School don't sound so strange for us. Both of them are kind of schools which provide some benefits. They are all good schools. Although those schools are same good, as selective parents, you are supposed to be able to decide which school you should choose for your kids as a place where they continue their education. In deciding which school you will choose for your kids, you can consider the benefits your kids and your family will get from the school, the output you want your kids get after school, and many other things you should consider further.Truely, both Public School and Home School are means of education which help kids to achieve the goal of education, but those schools, Public School and Home School, have differences† (Pomadi,2007). First difference between Public School and Home School is about a question, † Who are in charge here? â€Å". In every school, including Public School and Home Sc hool, there are some people who are in charge of their students success in achieving education's aims. Who are the man in charge of Public School and Home School? In Public School, there are teachers, headmaster, and school staffs.They are people who are in charge of their students success in Public School. In the other side, people who are in charge of students success in Home School are not teachers, headmaster, or other staffs, but they are parents. In Home School, parents are the ones who are responsible for their kids success. Parents have important role in Home School, Just like teachers role in Public School. Second, if we are talking about differences between Public School and Home School, schedule will be one aspect that is quite different in Public School and Home School.The schedule in Home School is more flexible than schedule in Public School. In Home School, students (kids) can start their study whenever they want, for example, they can start to study at 8 a. m, 9 a. m , or whenever they are ready. They do not need to be afraid of being late because in Home School there is no specified time to start study (school). It is quite different from Public School where students have to be ready to study when the school bell rings at 7 a. m.Because of that, students of Public School have to come earlier to the school. It means that before 7 a. m they have to be ready in the school. In this case, if they come late, they will be punished by their teacher ecause 7 a. m is specified time where students have to be ready to study in Public School. In Public School, the schedule of subjects from Monday to Saturday change everyday. The schedule itself has been set by the school. Students have to obey and follow the schedule, and study the subjects based on the schedule given by the school.For example, on Monday they have Mathematic (2Ãâ€"45 minutes), Biology (2Ãâ€"45 minutes), English (2Ãâ€"45 minutes), and Civics (2Ãâ€"45 minutes) as their subjects, but on Tu esday they will have different subjects such as: Indonesian Language (2Ãâ€"45 inutes), Art (2Ãâ€"45 minutes), Geography (2Ãâ€"45 minutes), and Physics (2Ãâ€"45 minutes) as their subjects, and other different subjects in every different days. It is different from what we will find in Home School. If the student in Home school want to study English and Social Science for example, he/she will study those subjects that day.They will spend their time that day only to study those two subjects. How long he/she studies those subjects is not a big problem. Whether he/she will study English tor about 3 hours that day, or spend 2 hours to study about Social Science is up to him/ her. If the following day he/she still wants to study those subjects and he/she also wants to learn Mathematic as their additional subject that day, then he/she will get them again (English and Social Science), and learns Mathematic after those subjects finished. In Home School, this way is possible to do, but in P ublic School we cannot apply such way.So, that's why it is said that â€Å"the schedule in Home school is flexible† (Ensiklopedia,2011). Third, it is about uniform. In Public School, it is a must for the students to wear school uniform. If it is Elementary School, they wear white and red uniform. If it is Junior High School, they wear white and blue uniform. If it is Senior High School, they wear white and grey uniform. Their uniforms are usually two-piece; white shirt which is combined with skirt (for girls), or trousers (for boys), and sometimes in some Public Schools the uniforms are completed with tie.On the contrary, there is no certain rule for the students to wear uniform in Home School. There, they can wear shirt, T-shirt, skirt, trousers, or even Jeans are also permitted. They can wear everything they want as long as they feel comfortable wearing them when they are studying. Fourth, in Public School we know that one class is a big class that contains for about 30 to 40 students whereas the teacher who will conduct teaching and learning process in that class is only one in every subject. The opposite, there will only a teacher and a student who do teaching and learning process in Home School.Hence, the attention that the teacher can share to 30-40 students is really different from the attention that a teacher can give only for a student. Of course in Home School, a student will get 100% attention from his/her teacher, but in Public School teacher will try to share his/her attention to all his/her tudents as fair as he/she can. So, in this case, in Public School and Home School, the attention that the students can get from the teacher will totally different. Fifth is about curriculum. In Public School we cannot choose curriculum by ourselves. We just follow the curriculum which is used in that school.We also cannot choose subjects as we wish, because all subjects have been set by the school. This is different from Home School. In Home School we c an choose curriculum we want. We also can choose the subjects we want to learn and master them well. The subjects re usually adapted to the student needs. So, if we like to study Mathematic, and we want to master that subject than Science for example, we will spend more times to study that subject. If it is needed, we will reduce Science time or other subjects times, and use that times to learn more about Mathematic.The last is about some activities like flag ceremoney, Physical Education, and extra curricular. In Public School, we know that every Monday, all students, teachers, headmaster, and other school staffs hold flag ceremoney. It is a common ceremoney which is held by every Public School. Then, if we are talking about Physical Education in Public School, we will know that once in a week every students there have Physical Education on their schedule. Students learn to do some sports accompanied by their Physical Education teacher.One more thing is about extra curricular. We c an find such activitiy only in Public School. Usually, it is a must for every student to Join minimum 1 extra curricular that they are interested in. There are various kinds of extra curricular that students can choose in Public School, such as: football, dancing, badminton, music, as e all k tb , drawing, tennis, and so on. In Home School, however, we cannot tind such activities. There is no flag ceremoney in Home School every Monday, no Physical Education, and also no extra curricular.Thus, from the long explanation above, now we know that although Public School and Home School have the same function which is as means of education that can be used to help students to achieve education's aims, those schools still have some differences (Pomadi). Those differences can be seen from who take the responsible for the school, schedule system, uniform, umber of teacher and student in a class, curriculum, and the last is about some activities such as: flag ceremoney, Physical Education, and extra curricular.However, although those schools are different, they are still good schools which can create a well educated person who has high intelligentsia and civilized. Furthermore, after knowing the differences from those schools, we will be able to decide which one will be the best place that we will choose as a place for our kids to continue their education, because from those differences above, we will know some advantages and disadvantages of choosing one of those schools.